Yicheng Wang’s Homepage

Welcome! I am Yicheng Wang 王奕程, a third-year undergraduate at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics. My research interest mainly lies in artificial intelligence for logical reasoning, mathematics, and graph machine learning. I was an exchange student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in Spring 2024.

Research Experience

  • Research Internship. Supervised by Prof. Pan Li (GCoM Lab, GaTech): Graph machine learning.
    Summer 2024 -
  • Research Internship. Supervised by Prof. Wenhu Chen (TIGER Lab, UWaterloo): Large language models for reasoning.
    Spring 2024 -
  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. Supervised by Prof. Yangqiu Song and Jiaxin Bai (KnowComp, HKUST): Abductive logical reasoning in Knowledge Graphs.
    Summer 2022 - Winter 2023.

Selected Courses

  • HKUST postgraduate: Machine Learning (A+), Machine Learning with Graphs (A), Intro. to Combinatorial Optimization (A+), Intro. to Advanced Algorithmic Techniques (A+).
  • HKUST undergraduate: Honors Real Analysis (A), Honors Probability (A+), Formal Reasoning about Programs (A), Honors Linear Algebra (A), Algorithms (A+), Honors OOP and Data Structures (A+), Honors Discrete Math (A+).
  • UIUC undergraduate: Statistics and Probability (A+), Set Theory and Topology (A), System Programming (A).


  • Advancing Abductive Reasoning in Knowledge Graphs through Complex Logical Hypothesis Generation.
    Jiaxin Bai=, Yicheng Wang=, Tianshi Zheng, Yue Guo, Xin Liu, Yangqiu Song.
    Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024)
    arXiv, slides, code


  • HKSAR Government Scholarship, Fall 22 ~ Now
  • S.S. Chern Class Scholarship, Fall 22 ~ Now, HKUST
  • Dean’s List, Spring 24, UIUC
  • Dean’s List, HKUST
  • Bronze Medal in The 2021 ICPC Asia-East Continent Final

Blog/Course Notes I enjoy taking and organizing notes as part of my learning process.

Google Scholar | Github | X@ywangmy


Last Update: May 2024